Every month we get a few children and teenagers coming in with knee pain. Through a detailed examination, a Chartered Physiotherapist can determine the diagnosis or cause of this pain. A common diagnosis of knee pain in kids/teens is Osgood Shlatters Disease.
A typical presentation of Osgood Shlatters would look like this:
-between the ages of 10-15 years old
-more common in boys
-very active-often doing several sports
-a recent growth spurt
-a recent change/increase in exercises/training
Symptoms of Osgood Shlatters are:
-pain at the font of the knee below the knee cap (patella)
-can have a lump present below the knee cap
-pain  during exercise-especially running/jumping
-pain eases with rest
-achey type pain
Diagnoses and Treatment:
A Chartered Physiotherapist will take a comprehensive history from the patient, and do a full physical exam in order to confirm a diagnosis of Osgood Shlatters. It is never normal for children or teenagers to have ongoing knee pain and it should always be investigated in order to rule out other causes of pain. Once diagnosed with Osgood Shlatters, a Physiotherapist will provide the patient with education, advise on management, and a specific home exericse program in order to treat this injury. The good news is that Osgood Shlatters is a very treatable condition and should not be ignored-physio can help!
Call 086 3582911 or email anne@reformphysiotherapy.ie if you would like to book an initial assessment! Anne 🙂