Abdominal separation and exercise

Abdominal separation and exercise

Abdominal separation (rectus diastasis or DRAM) is a common condition which can occur  in pregnant or post-partum women. The six pack muscle (rectus abdominis) is joined by the linea alba in the middle, but this stretches causing a gap between either side of the muscle. It often becomes more visible when doing a sit up or straining the abdominal muscles and it bulges upwards (doming). A small amount of widening of the mid-line occurs in all pregnancies but for many, the gap remains too wide post-partum and can cause problems.

Pilates has been shown to be an effective treatment for women who have abdominal separation. By working the deep core muscles, pilates is a safe way of helping to reduce this gap in the rectus abdominis muscle. Women who have had several children, carrying more than 1 child, have poor core strength or poor posture are at greater risk of abdominal separation.

Its also important for pregnant women to remember that this can be prevented by doing pre-natal pilates and NOT over-straining the six pack muscle while pregnant but working the deep core muscles instead.

At Reform Physiotherapy and Pilates, we have Chartered Physiotherapists with specialised training in pre/post natal pilates. We will ensure that you exercise safely and effectively to treat (or prevent) abdominal separation. Call 086 358 2911 to make an appointment.

.rectus diastasis                           pilates pregnant

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