- Physiotherapy
- Women’s Health Physiotherapy
- Clinical Pilates
Initial physiotherapy(45mins) €70
Physiotherapy follow up (45mins) €75
Initial Physiotherapy for Chronic & Complex conditions (1hr) €110.00
Physiotherapy standard follow up (30mins) €65.00
Sports massage (1 hour) €105
Sports massage (30mins) €65
Sports massage (45 mins) €75
Vestibular Physiotherapy follow up (30mins) €70
Vestibular Physiotherapy initial (45 Mins) €85.00
Womens Health Initial Appointment (45Mins) : €100
Post partum Check (Mummy MOT) (45Mins): €100
Women’s Health follow up (45mins): €85.00
Women’s health Physiotherapy (30mins) follow up: €70.00
The reimbursement rates for visits to Chartered Physiotherapists in private practice are: Lifestages
Level 1 – €25 per visit (max of 7 visits)
Level 2 – €35 per visit (max of 7 visits)
13 per visit (no limit)
Gold – €35 per visit (max of 7 visits)
Silver – €25 per visit (max of 7 visits)
For more information see www.vhi.ie
Under Essential and Essential Plus plans up to €20 per session is reimbursed. This €20 goes towards an excess that has to be reached at the end of each year before claiming at the end of that year. Under the Health Manager, Health Manager Start, Health Manager Goals, Family Careand Personal Care plans 50% of the session fee is reimbursed.
For more information see www.layahealthcare.ie
Please check your plan to check your level of cover for physiotherapy services.
In addition to the above, tax relief may be obtained on physiotherapy fees in excess of €100. This is done by completing a Med I form at the end of the tax year and submitting it to the Revenue Commissioners.